STAT!™ Royal Flush Liquid Detox grape helps your body rapidly cleanse itself of unwanted toxins in a fast detox drink.
Each day, we are exposed to toxins in the air, water, and food we eat. Most people will accumulate these toxins over many years and be unaware of the harmful effects they can induce. It is ideal to cleanse the body of these toxins on a regular schedule, however most people do not have the means or time to do so. Our Royal Flush Liquid Detox is powerful enough to fully cleanse the body of these toxins in one dosage. You can maintain good health and a cleansed state with periodic detox regiments from STAT!™ Detox..
try our another product: Purity Labs – U.S.B. ALL-IN-ONE Full Body Cleanse Detox Capsules
How do you take Royal Flush Liquid ?
For best results, avoid exposure to any type of toxin for 24 to 48 hours prior to using STAT!™ Royal Flush Liquid Detox.
- Shake the bottle well and drink the entire contents over a 10 minute period.
- Immediately refill the bottle with water and drink all of it again over a 10 minute period.
- Repeat one more time. (Third time totaling 48 ounces)
- Since toxins are eliminated primarily through urination, urinate at least 2 to 3 times.
Peak time of cleanliness will be about 60 to 90 minutes after finishing the STAT!™ Royal Flush Liquid Detox; you will stay clean for about 4 hours after you have finished. After the 4-hour window, toxins that have accumulated in your fat cells will begin to leach back into your bloodstream.
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